Parent Information Booklet

Welcome to our school.

Now that you have accepted your offer of a place at our school, we would like to welcome you to Long Sutton (CofE) Primary School.

This leaflet provides general information, which we hope will settle you and your child into our school. If you need any more details, please do not hesitate to contact our school office.

Prior to Starting School

We aim to ensure that your child becomes familiar with the school, the classroom, their teacher/s and peers before they start school. For Year R children starting in September, we undertake nursery school and home visits and arrange visits for you and your child to come into school. For children starting mid-year, we offer school tours and encourage children to spend a day with their new class before they start.

Children starting in Year R are invited to a number of fun events throughout the summer term including pre-school, information evenings and activities with the current year group. Further information regarding these events is provided separately.

Finally, all children starting school receive a school buddy. For Year R children, this will be an older child. For children starting mid-year in other year groups, this will be a child in their class. The aim is for their buddy to be a friendly face who can support them in the start to their school life.


A pre-school is run by a group of current parents whose children are due to start Year R in the following school year. The aim of the sessions is to familiarise the children with the school, not only the building and the staff but also with the children who will be in their class. We have the added bonus of getting to know the parents so that we too can recognise familiar faces. Pre-School currently takes place on a Tuesday afternoon in the school summer term.

School Uniform

A full list of our uniform dress code is available here. All embroidered logo items plus other school clothing can be purchased from Michael Hope, our school supplier in the following ways:

We also have a wide selection of “newly new uniform”. Requests can be made via their email address , or via the Facebook shop Long Sutton School (Hampshire) Uniform Seconds

Some parents may need some advice on buying uniform for the first time so we hope the following helps.

If you need help on sizes, please contact the school office.

Reception & KS1 Children

  • White polo shirt with logo or plain white polo shirt

  • Royal blue v-neck jumper or cardigan with logo

  • Grey tailored school trousers, grey skirt or grey pinafore dress

  • White, grey or black tights or socks

  • Black shoes (no slip-ons, open toes or boots)

  • Small check, light blue summer dress (summer)

KS1 PE Uniform

  • Royal blue shorts

  • Black jogging bottoms

  • Royal blue sports T-shirt with logo

  • White, grey or black socks

  • Trainers

Optional Items

  • Fleece with logo (PE only)

  • Hoodie with logo & initials (PE only)

  • PE Bag with logo

  • Document case with logo

  • Book Bag with logo

KS2 Children

  • White shirt

  • School tie

  • Grey tailored school trousers, grey skirt or grey pinafore dress

  • Royal blue v-neck jumper or cardigan with logo

  • White, grey or black tights or socks

  • Black shoes (no slip-ons or boots)

KS2 PE Uniform

  • Royal blue shorts

  • Black jogging bottoms or black skins/leggings (if skins or leggings are worn, blue shorts must be worn over the top)

  • Royal blue sports T-shirt with logo

  • Grey, white or black socks

  • Trainers


  • Fleece with logo (PE & breaktimes only)

  • Hoodie with logo & initials (PE & breaktimes only)

  • PE Bag with logo

  • Document case with logo

  • Backpack with logo

Please ensure that all clothing is clearly named.

All children will need a school bag but this does not need to be a school logo bag.

Reception and KS1 children often do better with the book bag or document case, as they can find the backpacks too big.

School Times

School starts with registration at 8.45am when children should be in their classroom ready to start work. It is acceptable for children to arrive on the school site via the playground entrance from 8.35am where they will be supervised. Morning break takes place at 10.30am for 15 minutes and lunch for one hour from 12noon for all children. School ends at 3.15pm.

(A total of 32.5 hours)

How We Communicate to Parents

On a day to day basis, we communicate via text and email. Every Friday we produce a newsletter which is sent to parents via email, unless a paper copy is requested. Our school website also contains the newsletter and the school diary dates as well as other useful information. The address is and our text messaging no. is 07786 201172.

School Structure

As we are a small school, our class structure can change year on year depending on the needs of the children and the size of the year groups. We currently have 4 classes across the 7 year groups, meaning we have mixed-age classes. Sometimes we split a year group across 2 classes due to numbers. Decisions regarding a split year group are based on a combination of maturity, academic ability, personal and social development, confidence, pace of work, motivation and attitude, siblings, gender and personality mix.

Keeping You Informed About Your Child’s Progress

During the autumn and spring terms we hold formal parents’ consultations. This is a chance for parents to see their child’s work and to talk to the teacher about their progress.

Class teachers are usually available at the end of the school day to talk to you about any issues that arise. You can make an appointment to see them or ask to see them straight away if an issue needs to be dealt with immediately. We ask that you do not try to see teachers in the mornings, as the priority at this time is to settle the children into school. In addition, you can email teachers via the school office or request a telephone call.

Towards the end of the summer term you will receive a written report about your child’s progress.

Breaktime Snacks & Lunchtime Arrangements

All children have a morning break. Children are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack to eat at this time (no chocolate, crisps, nuts). Children in Year R to Year 2 receive free fruit. Every child under the age of five is entitled to FREE school milk. If your child is over five they are entitled to subsidised milk. For both these options, parents must register online at

Please also ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school with them every day, containing fresh water (no juice please).

At lunchtime, children may bring in a packed lunch from home or have a school meal provided by HC3S.

You can view the menu choices, which change each term.

You can choose to have a mixture of school lunches and packed lunches in one week.

Children who are in Reception and KS1 (YR-2) are entitled to a universal free school meal.

The children eat together in the school hall or outside in fine weather if the children have packed lunches. If you require a special diet or are eligible for free meals, please contact the school office.


Pupil Premium Grant

Although your child may be benefitting from the ‘universal free school meal’, your child may also be entitled to additional funding from central government known as the Pupil Premium Grant. This has been introduced to help looked after and adopted children and low income families reach their full potential.

If you want more information and to find out if you qualify, log on to .

KS2 Pupil Premium children receive free school meals.

There is also a Service Pupil Premium for children whose parent(s) are in the Armed Forces, RAF or Navy. The Service Pupil Premium is a small amount of money provided to the school, which is used to provide educational or emotional support in order to mitigate the effects of parental deployment. Please contact the school office to inform them of your Service family status.

Music Tuition

A variety of instrument tuition takes place at the school provided by a member of the Hampshire Music Service. A subsidised fee for all tuition is charged for weekly lessons, which are invoiced termly.

Lessons take place during the school day, avoiding core subjects where possible. There is a wide choice of musical instrument lessons available. Children taking music lessons are encouraged to perform in assemblies and concerts.

For more information, please contact the school office.

Extra Curricular Activities

A wide variety of clubs are on offer throughout the school year. For example, netball, choir, football, cricket, campfire, art, multi-sports, yoga and many more. The clubs change each term and are run by a mixture of staff and independent specialists. These activities are an extension of the school day and the high expectations we hold in school continue. Clubs are offered to Year 1 - 6 children and in the summer term, some clubs are open to Year R children. We also run breakfast and afterschool wraparound care. This runs from 7.50am until 5.15pm. Please contact the school office for more information.


If your child is sick, you must notify the school by 9.00am on the first day of absence and every day thereafter. This can be done by telephone, text or email. After this time, we will attempt to contact parents where no notification has been given.


Only prescribed medicines will be administered by the school. All medicines must be handed into the school office in the original container, in date and with the dosage on the label. An administration of medicines/treatment consent form needs to be completed, as stated in the school’s policy on Supporting Children with Medical Conditions and Administration of Medicines. Under no circumstances should children keep any medication in their bags or lockers.

Leave of Absence During Term Time

Parents have a legal duty to ensure their child’s regular attendance at school. Only in exceptional circumstances may leave be granted by the Headteacher. A form must be completed to request absence from school due to exceptional circumstances. This is available from the school office.

School Bus

Children are entitled to travel to and from school on the bus if they live within the catchment area of South Warnborough and Upton Grey. This is currently free of charge from the term after the child turns 5. Reception children who have not yet turned 5 can travel on the bus, however Hampshire School Transport charge a fee. You can apply for your child’s pass before they start at Please note there is no adult supervision on the bus other than the driver. It is your responsibility to check your child on the bus coming to school and we check names and seatbelts on the return journey. We encourage families to use the bus to help reduce traffic congestion.

Internet Payments

We actively encourage parents to use our online payment system, Arbor, which allows you to make payments direct to the school for school meals and trips. Once your child starts with us, you will receive an email asking you to create an account on Arbor


All children are provided with homework to support their learning in class. This includes regular reading, spelling and times table / number bond practice.

Getting Involved With The School

Regular Help in Class – Parents can help in a variety of ways in lessons. Some parents make a commitment to come in every week and help with a range of activities. Some parents come in on an ad hoc basis to help with sewing, cooking, art work or to accompany a visit off the school site. We are grateful for all offers of help, so please let us know if you would like to get involved!

DBS Checks – All volunteers must complete a volunteer application, which includes a DBS check and reference check, before they can help in school. Please contact the school office to arrange this. It is a straightforward process so please don’t let the thought of the paperwork put you off!

PTA – The parent teachers association are always looking for people who would like to get involved in fund raising for the school. They are a very friendly and welcoming group of people who would love you to join them! If you want to contact them, their email address is All parents and carers are automatically members of the PTA and are encouraged to join the committee.

School Events

  • School Production - This involves all the children in the school from YR to Y6. This major production takes place in the summer term every other year. We have various production times and dates, in the afternoon and the evening. Tickets are sold for the performances.

  • Carols round the Tree - This is a KS2 evening event (Y3-6) which takes place around Christmas time in the evening. Children are invited by the school to perform musical, drama and singing pieces to an audience of parents, friends and family. The PTA kindly provide mulled wine and mince pies and it’s a chance to sing some Christmas carols to get us in the mood for Christmas. Although all parents are invited, it tends to be those with children performing who attend.

  • Children’s Christmas Parties - Christmas parties take place in school time to give the children a chance to celebrate with their friends. Children can bring in their own party clothes to change into and party food is provided by parents.

  • Church Services - These take place at different times of the year at the church in Long Sutton. All the staff and children walk down to the church to join in the church service together. Parents are usually invited to join us in the church.

  • Sports Day - Once a year we have a school sports afternoon for all the children. It takes place in the summer and all children are invited to compete in different events to win points for their houses. The winning house at the end of the afternoon wins the sports cup. The PTA kindly provide refreshments for all parents to enjoy while watching the event.

  • Class Assemblies - Every class takes part in their own assembly to perform to their parents and children in the school. The assembly informs the audience about a topic they have been working on. Family and friends of the children in the class are invited to attend. These usually take place on Fridays at 9am.

  • KS1 Nativity Play - The children in KS1 (YR-3) are involved in a Nativity Play which parents and friends are invited to watch. Parents are often asked to help with costumes.

  • Grounds Day – Once or twice a year we have a school grounds morning where we invite parents and children to join together to tidy up the grounds for the next season. It is a fun event where we all work together, rewarded with refreshments and snacks.

  • Celebration Assemblies - at the end of each half term, some children receive various awards. Parents are contacted directly if their child is receiving an award and are encouraged to attend the assembly, although we ask parents to keep it a surprise for their children!

Child Protection

The needs and safety of your child always come first.

This school is committed to safeguarding children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Our DSL Officers are Mrs. Cameron, Mrs Maidment, deputised by Mrs. Caddick.

A copy of our Child Protection Policy is available from the school office.