School Attainment Data

There are several statutory assessment points throughout the Primary School Years and the results of these assessments help to build a picture of how well schools are performing.

We use attainment data as part of our own self-evaluation, to identify strengths and areas for further improvement. The data is also monitored by Governors, the Local Authority and Ofsted.

Nationally, attainment data has taken a drop since covid. As a school we are very proud of our ‘post-covid recovery.’ Our children’s attainment is broadly in line with or above Local Authority and National averages. We have high expectations of ourselves and our quality of education and strive for as many children as possible to achieve ‘age-related expectations’ in reading, writing and maths by the time they leave us in Year 6, so that they are ready for the next phase of their education.

Attainment Data 2023

Attainment Data 2022

Link to School Performance Tables

Phonics Screening Check for Y1 2023 - Congratulations Letter from Minister for Schools