The PTA is a vital part of the school community.
All parents are welcome to join the PTA and help organise and run various events throughout the year.
As well as raising valuable funds for our school, PTA events provide an opportunity for families to get to know each other and enjoy socialising as a school community. Regular fixtures run by the PTA such as the school disco and the Christmas fair are firm favourites with the children.
Whether you help decorate the school for Christmas, man a stall, or organise refreshments at one of our events, every contribution is valuable and makes a big difference to the life of our school.
Each class has a PTA ‘class rep,’ who is a point of contact for other parents and helps to communicate key information from the PTA. Parents can contact the school office to find out the rep for the class and to join the class Whatsapp group, if they wish.
During the academic year 2022-23, PTA events such as the Christmas Fair, Quiz Night (including pudding auction!), school disco, ice lolly sales, stalls at local village fetes and refreshments at Carols Round the Tree helped to raise about £6,000 for our school. The funds have gone towards a new outdoor classroom.
Calendar of PTA events for 2023-24 coming soon!